Boston in the Spring

Waling down Acorn street in Beacon Hill
Acorn street in Beacon Hill

There are many ways to tell the travel story of a city through photography, most photographers like to focuse on a theme: Streets, Portraits, Landscapes or Macro. For example, a small walking city like Boston, there are a few iconic spots like Acorn street, Beacon Hill, and Boston Harbor. But what I remember the most about Boston are the beautiful flowers in May. Spring is a great time to visit Boston and I decided to capture a collection of Macro Flower Photography so I’ll always remember my favorite part of Boston.

Cambridge, MA in the spring time
Cambridge, MA

Bostonians will quickly correct you that Cambridge is not part of Boston.

Boston Common
Boston Common

bee on flower

tulip macro flower photography

Flower Photography

Flower Photography

Photography Tip // For this set of Flower Photography I captured the flowers a little before sunset to avoid harsh afternoon highlight on the petals, to brighten the details I used an inexpensive LED ring [ Link ] around my zoom lens to create the bright and airy look without creating shadows or harsh glare.

Golden sunset at the Boston Harbor
Boston Harbor
Sunset at Back Bay in Boston
Back Bay, Boston

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